Posted by Brijit Reed in Uncategorized
you poured me in your cup
but i never measured up
to what you wanted
from me
or your dreams
for my future.
i can see–
i can see
from the Light
behind my eyes
that you never were a wise
or humane
your mind was brutal.
your heart was insane.
you always took–
always took
more than you gave–
breaking waves
of hearts
as you dug graves
for a better Life
and a better future.
i complied for a while,
consumed and defiled
by your utility of hostility
against Our true Nature.
you were still crawling
when i left you on your belly,
yelling, hissing, insisting
that the world belongs to you
as you seduced me with your bait
and demanded that i pay you
with my tears, my blood, my devotion.
i refuse to behave
and i won’t be a slave
to the savage world
you’ve created.
i will excise your lies
from my flesh,
and consume them
in the flame of Beauty.
i’ll ascend from the ashes
lashing my heart
to the world i create
for Myself
and for others.
i’ll devour the snake
before it chokes me,
finally to wake
the Ouroboros,
charming the shape
of a spiraling coil,
rising from the soil
of Truth and Beauty
and Life.
the world i knew and defied
will fall a w a y–
and inscribed
with, “Renewal,” in light,
showering the earth
in flowering peace
and flourishing compassion,
as i dream better worlds
for creation–
absolving, redeeming
my sins and contrition.